Measuring principle: Frequency measurement by LED light while the belt is not moving. The belt is toughed by hand to create vibration.
The readings can be displayed as frequency (Hz) or strand force (N or lbf)
The belt tension meter RTM-400 includes a display unit as well as 2 measuring probes:
– plug in probe for one-hand operation
– measuring probe with cable for limited access space
For determinating the belt force in Newton, 2 parameters are needed. Thereby the following restrictions are obtained:
– free strand length 9.99 m
– belt mass up to 9.999 kg/m
Belt tension meter with measuring range 10 – 800 Hz
Belt tension tester with multilingual operator guidance and display (German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish)
Manufacturer`s calibration report is included