Vicam Series-4EX Fluorometer – Precise Mycotoxins Measuring Device
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Vicam Series-4EX Fluorometer – Precise Mycotoxins Measuring Device

Mycotoxins are secondary toxic metabolites produced by molds that develop in food and feed. Mycotoxins of different species can be obtained even from one type of mold. Mycotoxins have a proven toxic and carcinogenic effect.


The Vicam Series-4EX Fluorometer is a specially designed instrument for quantitative determination the level of mycotoxins in food and feed, using specialized Vicam immunoaffinity columns to prepare the samples, required for the measurement. Vicam Series-4EX Fluorometer delivers precise results comparable to the accuracy of HPLC equipment. The measurement result is displayed on the unit display and printed on a built-in printing device. The Vicam Series-4EX has sufficient capacity to store all VICAM mycotoxicology protocols and calibration levels as well as 200 test results. The measurement results are shown in numerical form in the relevant units – ppm,ppb, ppt, mg/kg, μg/kg, or ng/kg.

Vicam Series-4EX fluorometer – data sheet


Vicam Series-4EX Fluorometer immunoaffinity columns

  • Using monoclonal antibody-based affinity chromatography, Afla B is a quantitative method that isolates aflatoxins B1 and B2 from feeds, food, grains, and nuts via fluorometric or HPLC detection.
  • Afla B 
  • Using monoclonal antibody-based affinity chromatography, Afla M1 FL+ is a quantitative method for the fluorometer based detection of aflatoxin M1 in milk at parts per trillion (ppt) levels.
  • Afla M1 FL+ 
  • Using monoclonal antibody-based affinity chromatography, AflaTest is a quantitative method for detection of total aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, M1, and M2 by Vicam Series 4EX fluorometer or HPLC.
  • AflaTest 
  • Using monoclonal antibody-based affinity chromatography, FumoniTest is a quantitative method for the detection of fumonisin B1, B2 and B3 by fluorometer or HPLC. FumoniTest is safe, fast and produces precise
Tình trạng: Mới

Khu vực
Phường Tân Phú, Quận 7, Hồ Chí Minh

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